Hero Rules
The Hero Rules and the Model Rules for an Owners Corporation are both here in full together with a link to the Owners Corporations Act Victoria 2006 website.
These are the key pieces of Legislation and Regulations for Owners Corporations in Victoria for owners, residents, visitors and owners’ agents to know about how things work at the Hero Apartment Building as they need to.
Hero Rules
The Hero Rules were formulated and approved early in the life of the Hero Owners Corporations and Committee. These Rules can be amended by special resolution at a Hero Annual General Meeting or a Hero Special General Meeting.
The full, legal name for the Hero Rules is Hero Apartments – P.S.428294T
118 Russell Street, Melbourne
Model Rules for an Owners Corporation
The full, legal name for the Model Rules is Owners Corporations Regulations 2018
S.R. No 154/201
Schedule 2 – Model Rules for an Owners Corporation.
You can download the Model Rules for an Owners Corporation here.
Owners Corporations Act Victoria 2006
The full, legal name for the Victorian Legislation is the Owners Corporations Act No. 69/2006
You can view the Owners Corporations Act Victoria here: https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/in-force/acts/owners-corporations-act-2006/017